Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSM. Show all posts

Water and Sunlight Helps to Clear Acne

Drink More Water

The skin stores around 12% water. It is important to maintain this amount with the correct amount of good fat to keep your skin from getting acne. You need to drink around 2 quarts of distilled water every day. If you are not drinking this amount, just start increasing the amount that you do drink.

Drinking water helps you get rid of toxins in the blood and around your cells. By drinking water, you will urinate more and more toxins will be eliminated. You will sweat more and toxins will be eliminated.

The cleaner your blood the healthier your skin will be and your will not have a problem with acne.

Use glass containers when buying distilled or reverse osmosis water. Try to avoid using plastic containers for water since plastic containers contain chemicals, left in the container walls during manufacturing, which leaches out into the water.