Some forms of acne including nodular and cystic acne come about when the acne condition is severe. The drug Accutane is used to treat this severe forms of acne.
Pimples usually characterize acne. They are formed due to excess oil clogging up the skin pores leading to formation of lesions. These lesions are what we know as pimples. Sometimes these pimples may harden over a long period of time forming what is known as nodules. The nodules are what eventually become cysts.
Cysts often require draining by a physician. They are one of the more severe types of acne and may last for a very long time(weeks to months). Accutane is a possible treatment for this type of acne. However, before you decide to buy Accutane to treat this form of acne, seek medical attention first.
Though it's highly recommended for severe types of acne, Accutane is known to have some serious side effects. Before partaking it, a prescriber will usually ask you to read and sign a form covering these side effects. Treatment only begins after verifying that you understand and agree to this side effects.